Understanding the stages of child development will help you select kids sports activities and other fun games to play now that your kids will enjoy!
Whether it's baby activities, kindergarten activities, or free kid games for older children, you need to make sure you choose a game that's developmentally appropriate for each child.
Fun preschool activities will be too advanced for your newborn, and most toddlers activities will be boring for older elementary kids.
These are not hard, fast markers but they provide good milestones in your child's development.
In terms of motor development, the child development stages are broken down into 4 different phases. Each phase is characterized by particular kinds of movements.
Learn more about these stages of motor development.
As children grow and mature, there are certain child development milestones that are typically reached each year. These milestones are skills that children demonstrate in the gross motor, fine motor, language, cognitive, social, and emotional domains. Click on the links below to read more...
But please remember, these are only general guidelines. Your child will NOT fit exactly within these parameters. Visit the WHO (World Health Organization) site to read more about child growth standards.
Find more excellent stage of child development resources at Amazon
A child's developmental stage has tremendous implications for her readiness for different levels of sports activity.
It's my goal with our kids activities to help you in the process of choosing the perfect level of activity. At the top of each game, we list the targeted general age group. Just keep in mind that within the same age groups there will be kids at various developmental levels.
That's why there's often a need to modify a game:
Whatever the case, in addition to the basic rules for each game we include ideas for making the games more challenging along with modifications to ensure a greater opportunity for success for everyone.
I am a big believer in the importance of physical activity and play for kids!
Not only are kids sports activities fun, but they are great for overall fitness and they contributes to a child's overall healthy growth and development. Browse our list of free kid games to find developmentally appropriate games for your kids!
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